14. More Discussions Upstairs...

Unemployed Relevance workshop--Finding or creating nontraditional ways of participating in and contributing to our world, our city, and our house as an HIV+ person while unemployed for whatever reasons for however long. Identifying ways that we are already contributing that we don't think of as counting. Supporting each other in doing more if we can, when we can.

Creative Ways of Building What Some of Us Need or Want From a Family workshop--Personal social systems are a part of human health. What kind of people and animals would be your perfect family? How can you call their living qualities into your life?

Outing group--Exercise. SF SPCA volunteer dog-walking group or free neighborhood walking without dogs tours.

Spirituality—This group can be whatever clients want as they want it. It can be a discussion group on non-supernatural faith in the goodness of people, a reading group, meditation group, prayer, or yoga. (The sunniest room in the house is lit with Victorian stained glass shadows, and you can make shrines in the alcoves throughout the house with whatever, to whatever you want as long as you're careful with candles. The three round rooms are capped by a conical room in the attic for pagans. Gumbo (the calico) is busy running around up there anyway. This group can take a field trip once or twice a year down the street to chant with Krishna Das at the bascilica of Mission Dolores.

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